B-Spline Curves

B-Spline Curves

A B-Spline is the representation of a curve (i.e a function) build from the interpolation of the elements of a normalized base of the analytic functions space.

The interpolation is build between a vector of points (called knots) positioned inside a controll polygon (delimited by a family of controll points $B$).

The positioning vector (i.e. the parametric funtion) of a B-Spline is defined as follows:

\[P(t) = \sum_{i=1}^{n+1}B_iN_{i,k}(t), \qquad 2 \leq k \leq n+1\]


A method to evaluate $N_{i, k}$ is given by +Cox-de Boor* recursive form.

\[ N_{i,k}(t) = \frac{(t-x_i)N_{i,k-1}(t)}{x_{i+k-1}-x_i} + \frac{(x_{i+k}-t)N_{i+1,k-1}(t)}{x_{i+k}-x_{i+1}}, \qquad \mbox{con} \quad N_{i,1}(t) = \begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{ if } x_i < t < x_{i+1}\\ 0 & \mbox{ otherwise} \end{cases}\]

B-Spline Properties

The following are properties hold by B-Splines:


Knots choise is very important.

There is an important relation between the number of controll polygon points $m$, the order of the function $k$ and the number of knots $m$, wich is:

\[m = k + n +1\]

We have two kind of knots:

wich could be build in two manners:

We have so four classes of knots:

B-Spline Basis Functions

As the function $N_{i,k}$ is defined by Cox-de Boor formulas in a recursive way, the evaluation of a basis set could be optimized by saving the previous evaluation. The dependency tree is:

\[ \begin{matrix} N_{i, k}\\ N_{i, k-1} & N_{i+1, k-1}\\ N_{i, k-2} & N_{i+1, k-2} & N_{i+2, k-2}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots\\ N_{i, 1} & N_{i+1, 1} & N_{i+2, 1} & \dots & N_{i+k-1, 1} \end{matrix} \begin{matrix} N_{i-k+1, k} & \dots & N_{i-1, k} & N_{i, k} & N_{i+1, k} & \dots & N_{i+k-1, k}\\ & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \\ & & N_{i-1, 2} & N_{i, 2} & N_{i+1, 2} \\ & & & N_{i, 1} \end{matrix}\]