B-Spline Curves
A B-Spline is the representation of a curve (i.e a function) build from the interpolation of the elements of a normalized base of the analytic functions space.
The interpolation is build between a vector of points (called knots) positioned inside a controll polygon (delimited by a family of controll points $B$).
The positioning vector (i.e. the parametric funtion) of a B-Spline is defined as follows:
$B_i$ is the $i$-th point between the $n+1$ controll points (of the polygon)
$N_{i,k}$ is the function of the $i$-th basis of the B-Spline normalized with order $k$ (i.e degree $k-1$).
A method to evaluate $N_{i, k}$ is given by +Cox-de Boor* recursive form.
B-Spline Properties
The following are properties hold by B-Splines:
The sum of the basis function in every point $t$ is equal to one (i.e. $\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} N_{i,k} = 1$).
Basis function are non-negative for each and every point $t$.
The order of a curve is at most equals to the number $n+1$ of controll points (so the maximum degree is $n$).
A curve could be modified by an affine function $f$ by applying the function to the controll points of the polygon.
The curve is located inside the convex hull of the controll polygon.
Knots choise is very important.
There is an important relation between the number of controll polygon points $m$, the order of the function $k$ and the number of knots $m$, wich is:
We have two kind of knots:
periodics: The first and the last value has $k$ multiplicity;
open: Each value has the same multiplicity.
wich could be build in two manners:
uniform: Knots are evenly spaced;
non uniform: there are different space between knots.
We have so four classes of knots:
Uniform Periodics: Wich are linked to a base function in the following form: $N_{i,k}(t) = N_{i-1,k}(t-1) = N_{i+1,k}(t+1)$
Open Uniform: They have an even space between knots and the multiplicity is $k$ at the edges. Follow from this definition that if the number of controll polygon points is equals to the order of the curve, than this curve is a Bézier curve: in fact the basis is build just like a Bernstein Basis. An example is given by $k = 3 \qquad [0\ 0\ 0\ 1\ 2\ 3\ 3\ 3]$.
Open Non-Uniform
Periodic Non-Uniform
B-Spline Basis Functions
As the function $N_{i,k}$ is defined by Cox-de Boor formulas in a recursive way, the evaluation of a basis set could be optimized by saving the previous evaluation. The dependency tree is: